I'm going to continue to update on City happenings as this was one of the things I really wanted to do if elected to the Council. Too many things happen in Columbus government AND city wide that know one seems to know about.
First off is that the big equipment is getting ready to roll over at The Gateway project. Big wheels are getting ready to terraform.
I'm taking some before, during and after images of the area so we do not lose are history. Horrible lighting for this shot but I wanted to get SOMETHING just encase bulldozers were in the field alter that day.
I took this shot a year two two ago of where Enerpac will be located.
In other news Paul at the newspaper reported that there was a debate whether Aaron Adams was actually eligible for becoming an Alderperson, reason being that this Brewery applied for a $80,000 revolving loan in OCTOBER 2012, and it was finally approved a few weeks ago.
So some unknown group are saying he should not be able to be on the City Council. Off course whoever it is that Paul was reporting on remains nameless so this is more newspaper gossip then real news.
The whole idea that Aaron is not eligible is ridiculous and embarrassing to whoever the unknown group is. The loan was not only applied for MORE then half a year ago (which is ridiculous in itself) but approved a few weeks ago so Aaron had no say the matter.
This is when a aldermen should recuse himself from a vote and I'm sure he would have.
Jumat, 16 Agustus 2019
Rabu, 07 Agustus 2019
The Capri
I thought I would mention that Doc, over at the Capri now has a Magician performing on Friday nights from 5 to 8.
DJ and I were there last week and it's seriously pretty fun. Tthe fish fry (broiled cod was what we had) was great and he pulled a rabbit out of DJ's ear. . . . . well, not really but it was pretty cool.
Check out The Capri Supper Club - Columbus.
YET another reason to visit Downtown Columbus!.
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Check out The Capri Supper Club - Columbus.
YET another reason to visit Downtown Columbus!.
Minggu, 04 Agustus 2019
Just sort of a fun word to say isn't it. nepotism, nepotism nepotism - say it three times and click your heels.
I'll get to that word later. But first a recap of the important parts of the City Council meeting last night from the spectators row.
Jenny Perkins (District 2)was absent.
The first bit of business was from a dude that was disputing his $65 bill from the city for snow removal. Good job dude. I would complain also. Not sure what action was taken - if any. Sort of weird.
Then there was the weird voting for Council President which was on the bizarre side. Nominations were from Thom (Perkins) and Davidson (Bomcamp). Four votes are needed. Instead of a roll call vote a secret vote was held (yet votes were signed to be official) and I believe Davidson, while nominating Bomcamp voted for Schumann, or Bomcamp voted against himself. Either way - weird. Also it is NOT customary to have a secret vote, not sure what was up with that.
Fee Schedules were discussed with weed and snow removal with $50 fines going to $75 for each additional fine for each additional infraction.
Street repair was discussed with Resolution 8-13. Columbus budgets $60K a year in road repair with $129K needed this year. So a resolution was created for an additional $59,925K being used from the TIF3 loan to fix Hwy 16 near the strip mall area.
Attached to this transfer was $16K for a new parking lot next the the library. Schunamm wanted to separate the two as they were two separate issues.
SO - Hwy 16 - This is ACTUALLY a State problem but they are not going to fix their highway until 2016 and they say screw you Columbus, deal with it. So WE have to do SOMETHING.
Parking lot. - There was some debate on spending money on the parking lot and Davidson was against it as seniors should stop being lazy and walk across the street (not his words but basically what he was saying). I completely 100% disagree. This is a very dangerous situation and Columbus is just asking for a catastrophic event.
Yes there is public parking a block away but seniors and are not that quick on walking across state highways. The current parking has you opening your door into oncoming traffic on a State Hwy. There was conversation about how the library used maintenance funds that it had saved from the past few years to fix up the current library and why did they do that instead of funding a parking lot. Good Grief.
They saved maintenance money hoping to get an expansion but that fell through so they used what they collected FOR MAINTENANCE.
Get a new parking lot before someone gets killed - LITERALLY.
It was tabled until next meeting. Man I had some things I wanted to say.
We have a new City Administrator. A vote was taken and Adams and Thom abstained which was wise. I would not vote either. They had zero say in who the candidate was but then were asked to vote? Why would we get a new City Admin without the new Council having a say. Why was this rushed through. The guy was a YES YES backer and while some were happy some in the crowd were very unhappy.
I do not know the guy so I know nothing.
The building on 103 N Ludington was discusse.
Here is the deal. There are three brick walls to the construction. The outer wall is detached because of moisture. A small fix was made in 2007? but the problem is still there with water still getting in and the bricks on the bottom disintegrating. The owners, who live in Columbus, are refusing to allow access into the building for inspection so the City is taking steps to go in by force if they have too.
If the building does cause bodily harm it is the owner s liability, not the city's.
In other building news, the Police Station is having major problems with water in the basement do to a few factors, one being the roof is 2 months behind schedule and the building NEXT to the police station is forcing water runoff INTO the station. Add to the fact that the sidewalks all slant toward the building and we have a building in water hell.
A drain tile system is being looked at ($8K).
My question would have been, was this not inspected? This water problem should not be a surprise, right? Just a question.
But the biggest "give Columbus the middle finger" moment was the high power lines that are running through The Gateway. American Transmission Company has a 20 foot easement under those lines.
Seems any injury to construction workers OR any injury to American Transmission Company workers while working on their own lines will by the liability to the city. Lawyers have tried to talk to ATC about this saying it's not fair that if THEIR people get injured on THEIR lines doing THEIR work, Columbus is liable, no matter WHAT the problem was.
The ONE SENTENCE REPLY? One sentence "The wording will not change". click! A big F*ck you Columbus from ATC.
Granted, it's 20 feet under the lines so the risk of injury is pretty nill. BUT!!!!! Nothing we can do. They have bigger lawyers they we do.
OH - Nepotism. Seems the community pool had a nepotism "problem" with hiring sons and daughters and they were asking for rewording some policies. I see no problem with rewording for seasonal employees. This is a common sense thing. If the director wants to hire his son as a lifeguard as he was hired by his father that is fine. This is not some big company hiring a son for Vice President of Marketing.
The committee had no problems.
Speaking of the pool. The Vortex slide is going forward and and HOPEFULLY will be installed before opening day.
There was some talk about the sludge truck repair going forward and a new leasing of a road grader to be used for snow removal of city streets.
That's pretty much the highlights of the 3.5 hour meeting last night.
That's it
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I'll get to that word later. But first a recap of the important parts of the City Council meeting last night from the spectators row.
Jenny Perkins (District 2)was absent.
The first bit of business was from a dude that was disputing his $65 bill from the city for snow removal. Good job dude. I would complain also. Not sure what action was taken - if any. Sort of weird.
Then there was the weird voting for Council President which was on the bizarre side. Nominations were from Thom (Perkins) and Davidson (Bomcamp). Four votes are needed. Instead of a roll call vote a secret vote was held (yet votes were signed to be official) and I believe Davidson, while nominating Bomcamp voted for Schumann, or Bomcamp voted against himself. Either way - weird. Also it is NOT customary to have a secret vote, not sure what was up with that.
Fee Schedules were discussed with weed and snow removal with $50 fines going to $75 for each additional fine for each additional infraction.
Street repair was discussed with Resolution 8-13. Columbus budgets $60K a year in road repair with $129K needed this year. So a resolution was created for an additional $59,925K being used from the TIF3 loan to fix Hwy 16 near the strip mall area.
Attached to this transfer was $16K for a new parking lot next the the library. Schunamm wanted to separate the two as they were two separate issues.
SO - Hwy 16 - This is ACTUALLY a State problem but they are not going to fix their highway until 2016 and they say screw you Columbus, deal with it. So WE have to do SOMETHING.
Parking lot. - There was some debate on spending money on the parking lot and Davidson was against it as seniors should stop being lazy and walk across the street (not his words but basically what he was saying). I completely 100% disagree. This is a very dangerous situation and Columbus is just asking for a catastrophic event.
Yes there is public parking a block away but seniors and are not that quick on walking across state highways. The current parking has you opening your door into oncoming traffic on a State Hwy. There was conversation about how the library used maintenance funds that it had saved from the past few years to fix up the current library and why did they do that instead of funding a parking lot. Good Grief.
They saved maintenance money hoping to get an expansion but that fell through so they used what they collected FOR MAINTENANCE.
Get a new parking lot before someone gets killed - LITERALLY.
It was tabled until next meeting. Man I had some things I wanted to say.
We have a new City Administrator. A vote was taken and Adams and Thom abstained which was wise. I would not vote either. They had zero say in who the candidate was but then were asked to vote? Why would we get a new City Admin without the new Council having a say. Why was this rushed through. The guy was a YES YES backer and while some were happy some in the crowd were very unhappy.
I do not know the guy so I know nothing.
The building on 103 N Ludington was discusse.
Here is the deal. There are three brick walls to the construction. The outer wall is detached because of moisture. A small fix was made in 2007? but the problem is still there with water still getting in and the bricks on the bottom disintegrating. The owners, who live in Columbus, are refusing to allow access into the building for inspection so the City is taking steps to go in by force if they have too.
If the building does cause bodily harm it is the owner s liability, not the city's.
In other building news, the Police Station is having major problems with water in the basement do to a few factors, one being the roof is 2 months behind schedule and the building NEXT to the police station is forcing water runoff INTO the station. Add to the fact that the sidewalks all slant toward the building and we have a building in water hell.
A drain tile system is being looked at ($8K).
My question would have been, was this not inspected? This water problem should not be a surprise, right? Just a question.
But the biggest "give Columbus the middle finger" moment was the high power lines that are running through The Gateway. American Transmission Company has a 20 foot easement under those lines.
Seems any injury to construction workers OR any injury to American Transmission Company workers while working on their own lines will by the liability to the city. Lawyers have tried to talk to ATC about this saying it's not fair that if THEIR people get injured on THEIR lines doing THEIR work, Columbus is liable, no matter WHAT the problem was.
The ONE SENTENCE REPLY? One sentence "The wording will not change". click! A big F*ck you Columbus from ATC.
Granted, it's 20 feet under the lines so the risk of injury is pretty nill. BUT!!!!! Nothing we can do. They have bigger lawyers they we do.
OH - Nepotism. Seems the community pool had a nepotism "problem" with hiring sons and daughters and they were asking for rewording some policies. I see no problem with rewording for seasonal employees. This is a common sense thing. If the director wants to hire his son as a lifeguard as he was hired by his father that is fine. This is not some big company hiring a son for Vice President of Marketing.
The committee had no problems.
Speaking of the pool. The Vortex slide is going forward and and HOPEFULLY will be installed before opening day.
There was some talk about the sludge truck repair going forward and a new leasing of a road grader to be used for snow removal of city streets.
That's pretty much the highlights of the 3.5 hour meeting last night.
That's it
Disk Golf Coming to Fireman's (Firemans?) Park - hopefully
I was with Joey Miller last night, an Eagle Scout who's project is to bring Disk Golf to Columbus. This is exactly what I was campaigning for, more recreational things for people to partake in.
Parks and Rec members along with scout leader Pat and a representative from the Madison Area Disk Club walked (or more like slogged through) the park last night discussing where the "holes" would be and setting up a course.
But let's get into the particulars that will be presented to the City Council soon.
This course will cost Columbus basically nothing. Joey has plans to find donators for all the holes. The final cost for a nine hole course is estimated at about $5000. However this will be a six hole course with permanent "holes" only at 6 locations. There will be three movable holes that can be used for tournaments.
** for more information of what Disk Golf actually is go to this link.
Disk golf is not just for kids anymore - there is a professional tour and websites reviewing courses. In Madison, they are now charging for playing 18 hole rounds and almost every town in Wisconsin has a disk golf course. I have heard that the Beaver dam course is very nice.
There are 15 Disk Golf Courses within 25 miles of Columbus and more then 50 within 50 miles. Disk Golf will actually bring people to Columbus to play! Although because it is not an eighteen hole course no BIG tournaments will play here but many smaller ones can.
For a review of the Crystal Lake Park Course go to this link.
I will keep you updated on how things are going. Joey will make a presentation to the Council on whether he gets the green light to begin looking for donations either by Sponsoring a hole, sponsoring the course or just donation to the project (which I will do).
One question that will be asked is "What about special events". Disk Golf will ALWAYS take a back seat to anything going on in the park. Perhaps a CLOSED sign will go over the DISK GOLF sign or something.
For more information you may contact
Joey Miller
I think this is a very very good thing.
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Parks and Rec members along with scout leader Pat and a representative from the Madison Area Disk Club walked (or more like slogged through) the park last night discussing where the "holes" would be and setting up a course.
But let's get into the particulars that will be presented to the City Council soon.
This course will cost Columbus basically nothing. Joey has plans to find donators for all the holes. The final cost for a nine hole course is estimated at about $5000. However this will be a six hole course with permanent "holes" only at 6 locations. There will be three movable holes that can be used for tournaments.
** for more information of what Disk Golf actually is go to this link.
Disk golf is not just for kids anymore - there is a professional tour and websites reviewing courses. In Madison, they are now charging for playing 18 hole rounds and almost every town in Wisconsin has a disk golf course. I have heard that the Beaver dam course is very nice.
There are 15 Disk Golf Courses within 25 miles of Columbus and more then 50 within 50 miles. Disk Golf will actually bring people to Columbus to play! Although because it is not an eighteen hole course no BIG tournaments will play here but many smaller ones can.
For a review of the Crystal Lake Park Course go to this link.
I will keep you updated on how things are going. Joey will make a presentation to the Council on whether he gets the green light to begin looking for donations either by Sponsoring a hole, sponsoring the course or just donation to the project (which I will do).
One question that will be asked is "What about special events". Disk Golf will ALWAYS take a back seat to anything going on in the park. Perhaps a CLOSED sign will go over the DISK GOLF sign or something.
For more information you may contact
Joey Miller
I think this is a very very good thing.
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